We are back with a new introspective look at the behind the scenes of The Anita Claire Project! Check out the latest installment of In My Own Words, below!
The Anita Claire Project: 10 celebrity mothers & daughters on my wish list
Tamera Mowry-Housley/Photo by Kendra A. Kabasele
The Anita Claire Project honors the bond between mothers and daughters. The mothers and daughters honored in my project come from all walks of life and all circumstances; the good, the challenging, worldwide. As my project is ongoing and continues to grow, I recently outlined the types of mothers I am seeking to photograph and interview. I've been asked, several times, if I were to feature celebrities, who would I want to feature? Well, all of the mothers and daughters in my project are on equal ground. They come from various backgrounds, professions and circumstances, and all of them share the honorable titles of Mother and Daughter. I do have a celebrity wish list. It contains countless names. Today, I am featuring 10 of those names, and while their paths happen to have them in the public eye, it is their mother/daughter bonds I'd love to explore closer. Here they are, in no particular order:
First Lady Michelle Obama, First Grandmother Marian Robinson, and daughters Sasha and Malia
Priscilla Chan and daughter Maxima (Max)
Tamera Mowry-Housley and daughter Ariah
Holly Robison Peete, mother Dolores, and daughter Ryan
Ellen Degeneres and mother Betty
Beyoncé, mother Tina, sister Solange, and daughter Blue Ivy
Jessica Alba and daughters Honor and Haven
Arianna Huffington and daughters Isabella and Christina
Rashida Jones and mother Peggy
Liya Kebede and daughter Raee
Join The Discussion | A Claire View on Lessons
Natalie responds to the question of what she is passing down to her daughter in terms of what she learned from her own mother, and her answer is a resounding, manners, manners, manners and manners.
What are some of the things you have learned from your mother that you will be passing down to your daughter(s)?
Please join the discussion below in the comment section!
What are YOUR memories?
Join The Discussion is a place where mothers, daughters, grandmothers, granddaughters and all women with feelings to express about their relationships with the women relatives in their lives, can come to express those feelings. There are so many memories I have about my mom and so many of them, I believe, are relatable, inspiring and, sometimes, simply smile inducers.
Please join me in posting your anecdotes, photos, videos, and any other memories you have with your mother, daughter, aunt, grandmother, etc.
Regular posts will be posted and you can "join in" the discussion in the comment section. From time to time, I will choose from the sub-discussions and create new topics based on those. So, have fun! Enjoy your creative freedom; an outlet to share, laugh, cry, and just keep the memories and everyday events flowing!